Life is Good!

8498832864_ee5c5526f9_kEverything is unfolding magically. Everything is unfolding perfectly.

My enthusiasm for life has peaked as certain things are falling into place for me. I’m feeling the divine hand of God setting up the life He’s always wanted me to lead. Not only am I feeling His touch, but now I’m able to see it, be aware of it, and understand it on some level and because of this I am able to allow His will to be done – allow things, events, experiences to manifest in my life. Experiences I would otherwise not be open to, aware of, or try to control because of my former inability to understand the simplicity and easy beauty of His divine plan.

Years ago I heard about the law of attraction and I saw it as a trick people believed in that would make them rich. Now, having experienced some truly serendipitous things in my life – having been led down paths of ease but which also have borne much fruit I see it in a completely different way. Some people may have gotten on the law of attraction bandwagon hoping for a shortcut to riches, but this metaphysical law can’t be tricked into providing someone with their own personal windfall, their own mega millions payday. It exists but can only be tapped into when somebody breaks through their limiting beliefs, including the biggest one that the majority of us have: that we are entities separate from other humans, separate from animals, separate from nature, separate from all other things we disconnect ourselves from.

In this moment of utter clarity I can say with complete conviction, “Life is good!”

Photo Credit: John Flannery

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