There is no unladen sigh

4638453675_86a4ecbc0e_bWhat is a sigh? Sorrow, weariness, dread, relief or longing expressed distinctly but without a word being spoken? Yes. But a sigh, in its heaviness, contains within it also the potential for greater happiness, if only we become more aware.

Because there is never an unladen sigh, it can be a very powerful signal for us. The audible breath released at the thought of something heavy can be a trigger for us to snap out of our unconsciousness and trace back to the thought that caused us to sigh in the first place. Besides the temporary benefit of releasing some of the tension that comes from the thought and the fast following emotions, a sigh can be used as a tool for us to become more aware of our thoughts and emotions – a way to catch them before they result in a downward spiral of our feelings that lead to hopelessness, inaction, or even rage.

The next time you find yourself sighing, stop and ask yourself, “What was that all about?” Then take another deep breath intentionally and allow yourself to explore the thought that brought about the unconscious sigh. What story had you just told yourself? What struggle were you contemplating or anticipating? What were you longing for? Then ask yourself, “Why does the story have to play out that way?”……… “What actions could play out instead of the one I’ve fixed my mind on?”……….. “How can I influence it to be more positive for me and for everyone involved?” Then, rethink the thought that brought about the weighted sigh and create a different thought based on the answers to these questions. Do this when you catch yourself sighing and you will begin to reprogram your thoughts, you will begin to create a brighter future for yourself, one with fewer sighs and greater excitement for what each moment, each hour, and each day will hold.

Photo Credit: Alex

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