Reinventing Myself

14975099621_c0f5276173_kI am re-branding my business. This is a time for reflection. Yes, more reflection. Last year at this time I made the decision to become the Enchanted Life Coach. I’d just completed Module 1 of my coach training program and I’d just signed my first client. I considered myself “enchanted”, not because of any love affair I had with the Disney genre of movies or even with fairy tales, in general. If truth be told, my parents didn’t read them to me much and I was a miserable failure at recalling the archetypes in these stories in two separate writing classes I’d taken fairly recently. No, I chose the name enchanted because my life had started to feel as if everything was falling into place with minimal effort and struggle. I felt enchanted.

Now, a year later, I still feel this way, maybe even more so, but I’m coming to realize that this message, as a brand, is not what I am, completely. Feeling enchanted is the result of work I’ve put in up front – work to master the self-discipline of monitoring and controlling my thoughts, emotions, and actions. In a word, I’d describe this self-mastery as courage: courage to face the unpleasant and negative aspects in myself. Doing so has made me a better, stronger person who takes action and makes decisions, in spite of my fears and doubts. The courage to act is the cause of the enchantment I feel. The word courage is more powerful, more actionable, and easier for others to comprehend and relate to. It’s more down to earth. And courage is easier for me to break down, teach, and encourage others to aspire to. For this reason, I am re-branding myself and my business as The Courage Catalyst: Instilling Calm Confidence for Bold Action.

Photo Credit: Edge Earth

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